Monday, October 25, 2010

Coming out of my Comfort Zone

                This week I decided to try something new and exciting, something I have never done before. I usually like to stay in my comfort zone, as well as many other individuals,but I decided not to. Although it may seem easier that way, it also doesn't help to broaden your horizon. Now,  I am not saying I never like to branch out and try new things, I just rather stay comfortable and do the things that come easy to me. This week was different. At the student center they where having something that is called an, "Oxygen Bar." I personally have never heard of an Oxygen Bar and for some reason I was immediately interested. I wondered why it caught my attention so much but I believe it was because so many people were talking about how "cool" and "fun" they were. I was so excited to try it, but I was also nervous. Not knowing anything about this thing was very worrisome. So after contemplating about it I finally decided to go on and do it. I can to realize it wasn't such a big deal. All they did was supply you with tubes that you put in your nose and you just breathe in different scented gases. To my surprise I found this to be extremely fun! Usually, I'll try new things but I never seem to really enjoy them. However, this time was different. I am so happy I got out of my comfort zone and tried this Oxygen Bar. Despite my fears sometimes, I love to try new things and in the future I will try to be more spontaneous!

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