Monday, October 25, 2010

Midterm Grades Already?!

                   During these past few months I have come to realize that high school and college are very different. They have very different for many reasons. However, one reason stands out the most to me. The work load. The work load in college is much more intense then it is in high school. I remember going a whole week without having any homework or anything even due. I loved it and seemed to have no worries. Unfortunately, college is way different from high school. Since being here I have had the most homework I think I was ever assigned in all my 4 years of high school. It was definitely a change I had to adjust too. Before I knew it was midterms. I thought to myself, "Midterms already?" I was shocked and nervous to say the least. Although, I believe I am where I wanted to be with all of my classes, there is one class in particular that I am scared about. Geography seems to be the class I am struggling the most in. Unlike all my other classes, geography is a lecture hall and it seems to me that the professor doesn't really care about your individual grade and just wants to teach and get out of the class room. However, I seem as if I am studying, and doing the best I can to keep up with the class and nothing is working. I have learned that for this class I will have to study A LOT more and dedicate more time studying. Besides from geography being a mail concern I feel confident in all my other classes. I will like to set some goals for myself to help me further better my academic career. For the remainder of the year I will like to study more and try to ask more questions in class. I believe if I keep my eye on those goals I will become a better student in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! High school and college are so different and I too feel that being in college I am alot more focused and dedicated to my work.
