Monday, October 25, 2010

Narcissism, Good or Not?

Narcissism: self-love: an exceptional interest in and admiration for yourself; "self-love that shut out everyone else"

     Is narcissism actually considered a bad thing? I believe it could be but not necessary all the time. I believe it is truly fine to love yourself. Loving yourself is very healthy and I feel like everyone should love themselves in some way. If you don't love yourself who will? Having confidence in ones self is important in order to be successful now and later in life. However, narcissism does have its down falls. Some people take it to far and believe that they are the greatest person in the world and give no one else credit. I believe their is a difference between loving yourself and also loving other people then loving yourself and no one else. Being conceded can also fall into the narcissism category. People take it too far and it is ridiculous. For example, I love myself and give my self compliments all the time because I feel like it is a great thing to do. I am not going to sit here and try and act like I don't love myself because then I would be lying. People who seem to doubt themselves are the people who do not achieve their goals in life. Another example would be from the reading. "At the end of the day I love me and I don't think that's wrong," says Sharise Tucker, a 21-year-old senior at Southern Connecticut State, a self-professed narcissist. "I don't think it's a problem, having most people love themselves. I love me." I completely agree with Sharon 100% because her and I share the same outlook on narcissism. I was also reading what other students had to say about the matter in their blogs. Alexis stated some great facts on the matter and I believe she did a wonderful job explaining the different types of narcissism. I loved this article because it explains both view points and I can say I agree with both to some degree.

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