Monday, December 13, 2010

Final Assessment

When I first began my college career at SCSU I was very nervous. I had no idea what to expect and being in a new place and not knowing anyone was definitely overwhelming. However, as I signed up for all of my classes, INQ stood out to me. What’s Inquiry? I began to ask myself and many other people as well. As I soon found out it was a class to help all freshman students adjust in a new learning environment. I learned many things in this class over the course of the semester and I am very grateful.
            We learned how to juggle multiple tasks, become better problem solvers and how to manage our time wisely.  I also learned that sometimes you fail and you have to just learn from your mistakes and move on. I asked many questions in class when I was confused and I learned to not be afraid to ask a question when you need to.  I learned that the college experience is very different than high school and adjusting wasn’t as easy as I thought.
            Individually, I feel as if I achieved those specific skills during this semester. I met the course goals and I learned from everything I was taught in INQ. Such goals would include becoming a better listener. All throughout high school I listened to my teachers but I didn’t really take what they said seriously and I would forget when assignments were due. From being in this class I learned that actually listening and using a planner helped tremendously.
            I feel as if I have met the requirements of the course and achieved what I was supposed to do. I came to class, participated in class discussions and did all the assignments that were asked of me. My overall performance has changed me and made me grow as a student. At the beginning of the semester I knew I had to work hard and do my work. However, I did seem to let things slip once and awhile and I knew I had to change something. My performance has changed immensely since the beginning of the semester and I am very proud of my progress. Over the semester I learned a lot about myself as a student. I learned that I am very confident and that I get my work done. I learned how to be more responsible and how being responsible effects your life. My strengths this semester consist of many things. I did all of my work this semester and I found it easy to get to all of my classes, and I found great places to study. However, I did have some weaknesses. Time management was a huge factor. I wasn’t used to managing my time and it came to realize it was very important in college.
            The social aspect of college wasn’t difficult for me at all. I met an awesome group of friends and I love them all so much. I’ll have to admit I was nervous in the beginning but it didn’t take long for me to make new friends. I can count on them for anything and I know they will be my friends all throughout college. However, moving out of my comfort zone was an issue. I never had to do my own laundry before college and I was used to my dad doing it for me. I learned how to do my own laundry and I am very proud of myself.
            My study habits this semester have changed dramatically. I soon realized that studying in college is way different then studying in high school. In high school I would study the night before a test. However, you cannot do that in college. Now I study at least 4 days in advance and more intense. I’ve found great study areas around campus which helps me a lot. Studying goes hand and hand with organization. In high school I was the most unorganized person. I would open up my locker and papers would come pouring out. Now, I have changed my organization skills. I am very organized and learned that I can concentrate so much better when I know where everything is and everything is placed in a certain spot.
            In conclusion to this semester I can honestly say I have no regrets. I worked my hardest and I did the best I could to succeed as a new college student. From this class I have learned many things that I will take with me to other classes and into my future. Such things are, time management, organization, ask questions when you need too, and learning from your mistakes and moving on. I have become such a confident student and I hope to carry that confidence with me to further semesters.

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