Monday, December 6, 2010

Successes, Failures, and Weaknesses.

WOW! Is my first semester of college over already? I guess its true when they say time fly's by when your having fun. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was at orientation. I remember all the worrying that was going on in my head. How will i find my class? What if i get lost? How difficult will they be? However, as the semester unfolded all my questions were being answered. I found that the class were all very easy to find and I got lost maybe a total of 1 time. I'd say thats pretty good for a freshman. I also came to find that the classes weren't all that bad. All of my classes were challenging but doable. Geography was the only class I really had trouble in. It was so difficult! I felt that no matter how many hours I would study I STILL wouldn't get a good grade on an exam. However, I pushed through it and tried my best. Time management was a huge factor during this semester. I guess you can say it was one of my weaknesses. I wasn't used to having massive amounts of school work and I didn't know how to approach it. I felt overwhelmed and sometimes just wanted to cry. I began to get used to things and I feel like my weakness turned into a success. I was very proud of myself for that. I learned many things that I will carry with me to the next semester. Next semester I know what to expect and I know the work isn't easy. I will have to work harder, study harder, and use my time more wisely. I can't wait for the next semester to begin and start all over!

        *****I SURVIVED MY FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE!!!!! now wheres break!!?? :D :D

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