Friday, November 26, 2010


As we all know Thanksgiving has just passed. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. All you do is eat, eat, and eat some more! How great to have a holiday dedicated to eating all day long. Sure you eat a lot on other holidays but theres just something about thanksgiving that makes it extra special. I absolutely LOVE watching the thanksgiving day parade and look forward to it every year. This year all the floats a different balloons were amazing! I have been watching the parade since I was a little girl and it will never get old. This thanksgiving I went to my boyfriends aunts house and spent the holiday with them. I had such a great time! Of course we watched football all day long. Whats a thanksgiving without football? We also did a secret Santa. We all had to choose a present when it was our turn and if we wanted to trade ours with someone else's it was fair game. It was so funny to see which people wanted to trade and how the others reacted. Some really liked their present and didn't want to give it up but rules are rules. I winded up sticking the present I picked and to my surprise no one wanted to trade with me! I was very relieved because it was a neck and shoulder massager and I could use it! After the secret Santa we all gathered in the living room for thanksgiving dinner and ate massive amounts. Oh and did I mention the dessert? ENDLESS amounts of dessert. I was so full! This thanksgiving was great. It felt so good to just take a break from the stresses of school for a bit and let loose and have some fun. I am definitely looking forward to next years thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Time To Shine

Leadership has been described as the "process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task."[1] Definitions more inclusive of followers have also emerged.

What does leadership really mean? To me I believe leadership occurs when one person takes the initiative on taking on a project and guides others in the right direction to complete it. I have always admired people who are leaders and don't shy away from the limelight. I believe it is very important to be a leader and not a follower for many reasons. In high school we were assigned many group projects. Usually group projects are my favorite and I rather just work by myself. However, in this specific project there was one specific student who was the group leader. Fortunately it was me. I was so happy when I found out I was assigned the group leader because it meant I had more control over the project. Now I am not saying I don't like other people helping out, but I would just much rather me do the project myself. For the project we had to choose a topic, ours being on the assassination of JFK. We had to teach the class the lesson and make up tests for them as well. Me being the leader I assigned which person would do what and I loved it! I asked each group member when they were free and when we could all meet up to work on the project together. Being in control gave me a sense of freedom. I loved every minute of it and being a leader is a quality everyone should enjoy!

My Difficuly Situation This Semester

This Semester I was faced with many obstacles. Of course being a new freshman was overwhelming itself. I met a lot of great friends and I am having so much fun. However, there is one thing that was very difficult for me. My sleep schedule was very off. In high school I was so used to going to sleep at a decent time every night. I believe I did so because I was on my high schools field hockey team and we had to run day in and day out. After field hockey I would go to work till 9 pm and then go home and complete my homework. I was very busy and I didn't really have time for naps. Now a days its a completely different story. After classes I come back to my dorm and I take several naps throughout the day. By doing so it makes trying to fall asleep at night that much harder. I have been dealing with this situation since the very first day we moved into our rooms. I began to grow sick and tired of not being able to fall asleep so I decided to do something about it. As I thought back on my high school days and what made me fall asleep I can to the conclusion of exercising and taking less naps during the day. I joined the gym in the hopes of being able to fall asleep at night and not be an insomniac anymore. To my surprise it worked! Ever since I joined the gym and began to take fewer naps my sleep schedule is back on track!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Intellectually Stimulated

When I signed up for classes in the summer I didn't know what to expect. Thankfully none of them are really that bad. I do find them boring at times but its manageable. So, what class makes me feel intellectually stimulated you ask? Well, after thinking about it I decided to choose my communications 100 class. My teacher is such a sweetheart and I feel like having a nice teacher makes a huge different. Out of all my classes, that class is the most fun for many reasons. For example, some days we just talk about life and what is currently going on around the world. We do multiple projects and I honestly enjoy them. I know what everyone is thinking. "Multiple" and "Projects" in the same sentence and it's fun? It truly is. We are currently working on a free choice project. We all had to choose a topic that interests them and teach it to the class. I choose the assassination of President JFK. I find that topic to be very interesting because of all the controversies and I am very excited to teach it to the class. I find it so fun to watch everyone's projects whenever they present because they are all on powerpoint. She likes when we use more pictures then words and that too me makes it more enjoyable to watch. This class is so great and I am sad it is ending so soon. We have to register for classes this upcoming Monday and whenever anyone asks me about communications I recommend it 100%

Study, study study!!

Studying is a very big part of college. When I first began my college career at SCSU I was nervous. I knew college was a lot different but I didn't know how different. However, I soon came to realize and it was a very big adjustment for me. The first couple of weeks I was just studying in my room but I realized it wasn't the smartest idea. There was far too many distractions such as friends, tv, or computer. Also, since it was the first couple weeks, people you don't know just pop up in your room to introduce their selves. I mean I am not saying it's a bad thing but when your trying to study it is. So after that experience, I decided to make a change. Whenever I was walking around campus I would keep an eye our for certain study spots. After doing that for quite sometime, who would think my "secret" study spot would be only 4 floors down from my dorm room. The basement! The basement of my hall has couches, desks, and it was so quiet! I began to study down there and found out that I can concentrate so much better. No one is ever down there and I think thats the reason why I like it so much. I can truly get all of my work done down there without any distractions. Every time I have to study I now go to the basement. I LOVE it down there!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Exercise Does the Body & Mind Good!

                This week I felt very stressed out. I had many projects due and I was just feeling overwhelmed. Instead of getting even more stressed I decided to do something about it. Everyone has their own way of relieving stress. Mine is exercising. I have always felt like excising relieves my stress in many ways. Excising lets me escape into my own little world. I am focused on what I am doing and I just let my mind go. I do not think about upcoming projects, tests, reading, etc. I just exercise and it feels great. Also studies have shown that excising increases health and well being. However, it is also sometimes difficult to exercise everyday because of my daily schedule, but I try to make time for it whenever I can because it makes me feel better. I believe it is the most powerful medicine on earth and so relaxing. Studies have also shown that exercise releases endorphins that make the body feel good. Exercising can change your whole outlook on life because you feel less stressed and more relaxed. For example, midterm week was a killer for me and I was stressed out to the max. I just felt on edge and I wanted to cry at some points. However, by exercising I become calm and it kept me on track. I didn't want to cry as much and I realized that that was just what I needed! I will definitely remember that for future reference. I recommend excising to anyone who is ever feels overwhelmed with their daily lives for these very reasons.

Do you Deserve it or Not?!

                     Do I deserve the grades I receive? I believe I do. I work very hard and I always study whenever I know I have an upcoming test or quiz. Working hard is the key to success and I always try to do my best. Midterms just passed and I felt as if they were never going to end! It was terrible. I have never really been faced with those because in high school they didn't have midterms anymore. So studying for my first college midterms was a bit intense. I got good grades on pretty much all of them and my overall midterm grades where good. I was so proud of myself and just felt accomplished. I deserve the grades I received because I worked hard for them. However, that does not apply to everyone. I feel like some people do not deserve the grade they get. I get so angry when I see people fighting with their teachers about their grades when they did it to themselves. They didn't work hard and they didn't pay attention in class. So why fight with the teacher about it if it was your own fault? Another example I feel is unfair is when the teacher just feels the need to "add" 10 points because everyone in the class did poorly. I believe that is not fixing the problem it is just making the teacher not look as bad. Grade inflation seems to occur often and I feel like it shouldn't. I will continue to work hard for my grades throughout the year and I will be proud of myself.