Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Difficuly Situation This Semester

This Semester I was faced with many obstacles. Of course being a new freshman was overwhelming itself. I met a lot of great friends and I am having so much fun. However, there is one thing that was very difficult for me. My sleep schedule was very off. In high school I was so used to going to sleep at a decent time every night. I believe I did so because I was on my high schools field hockey team and we had to run day in and day out. After field hockey I would go to work till 9 pm and then go home and complete my homework. I was very busy and I didn't really have time for naps. Now a days its a completely different story. After classes I come back to my dorm and I take several naps throughout the day. By doing so it makes trying to fall asleep at night that much harder. I have been dealing with this situation since the very first day we moved into our rooms. I began to grow sick and tired of not being able to fall asleep so I decided to do something about it. As I thought back on my high school days and what made me fall asleep I can to the conclusion of exercising and taking less naps during the day. I joined the gym in the hopes of being able to fall asleep at night and not be an insomniac anymore. To my surprise it worked! Ever since I joined the gym and began to take fewer naps my sleep schedule is back on track!

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