Saturday, November 13, 2010

Intellectually Stimulated

When I signed up for classes in the summer I didn't know what to expect. Thankfully none of them are really that bad. I do find them boring at times but its manageable. So, what class makes me feel intellectually stimulated you ask? Well, after thinking about it I decided to choose my communications 100 class. My teacher is such a sweetheart and I feel like having a nice teacher makes a huge different. Out of all my classes, that class is the most fun for many reasons. For example, some days we just talk about life and what is currently going on around the world. We do multiple projects and I honestly enjoy them. I know what everyone is thinking. "Multiple" and "Projects" in the same sentence and it's fun? It truly is. We are currently working on a free choice project. We all had to choose a topic that interests them and teach it to the class. I choose the assassination of President JFK. I find that topic to be very interesting because of all the controversies and I am very excited to teach it to the class. I find it so fun to watch everyone's projects whenever they present because they are all on powerpoint. She likes when we use more pictures then words and that too me makes it more enjoyable to watch. This class is so great and I am sad it is ending so soon. We have to register for classes this upcoming Monday and whenever anyone asks me about communications I recommend it 100%

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