Saturday, November 13, 2010

Study, study study!!

Studying is a very big part of college. When I first began my college career at SCSU I was nervous. I knew college was a lot different but I didn't know how different. However, I soon came to realize and it was a very big adjustment for me. The first couple of weeks I was just studying in my room but I realized it wasn't the smartest idea. There was far too many distractions such as friends, tv, or computer. Also, since it was the first couple weeks, people you don't know just pop up in your room to introduce their selves. I mean I am not saying it's a bad thing but when your trying to study it is. So after that experience, I decided to make a change. Whenever I was walking around campus I would keep an eye our for certain study spots. After doing that for quite sometime, who would think my "secret" study spot would be only 4 floors down from my dorm room. The basement! The basement of my hall has couches, desks, and it was so quiet! I began to study down there and found out that I can concentrate so much better. No one is ever down there and I think thats the reason why I like it so much. I can truly get all of my work done down there without any distractions. Every time I have to study I now go to the basement. I LOVE it down there!!

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