Thursday, September 30, 2010

College vs.High School

               When I think of college many questions flood into my mind. However, one question in particular stands out to me. "What are good work habits?" This question can have many different answers. I choose to do my project on this topic for that reason. I believe many people will have different and unique answers which will make my project more interesting. At first I thought this project was going to be so hard and confusing. However, after I thought of a good question everything is coming together.
                For my digital storytelling project I will explore around campus and find out what people responses are to the question, " What are good work habits?" I believe in doing this I will find out that people will have all different answers and they will contribute a lot to my project. Also, I will discuss the difference between college and high school. Of course college differs from high school but how? I will like the people I interview to say that their opinion is. I find it very fun to see what different people have to say about certain things.
               To be honest, I thought this project was going to be so hard and so confusing. However, after thinking and coming up with a good question my outlook on this project changed drastically. I realized that this project might actually be fun. I enjoy hearing what others have to say about a topic and cant wait to see what their responses are. I am excited to get started and cant wait to share my project with others!

First Ever Televised SCSU Football Game!

             SCSU on national television? When I found out that my school was going to be on TV for football I was very surprised. Usually only D1 sports are televised and for a D2 school to be on TV was very exciting. Some of my friends are on the football team and I was so happy for them because they we're extremely pumped to be on CBS. I love sports and came from a high school that was very school spirited. School spirit is very important to me and I love the fact that so many people showed up at the game on Friday.
           Before the game they had a very nice tailgate. Me and my friends had free hot dogs, fries, soda, Italian ices, fried dough and much more. It was all very delicious and hey, what college kid will turn down free food? Also, during the tailgate people were walking around with face paint and colored hairspray. Although I didn't spray paint my hair I did have someone draw on my face.
           During the game everyone was going nuts! I was having such a good time and I learned many new chants. I also made many new friends. The thing I love the most about sporting events is that you meet new people and it is so fun! We ended up winning the game and everyone was so pleased. The football players especially we're pumped up about their victorious win. This Friday is the next home game and I cant wait! I will definitely be there and I hope they win again!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blogs, blogs, and more blogs.

                    Writing to me means expressing my feeling freely. However, when I have to write for an english class or any other class I feel as if I am restricted sometimes. Blogs on the other hand are much different. Blogs allow you to express yourself in any way, shape, or form without anyone judging you. For this reason, I love reading blogs and do not mind writing them. Reading other peoples blogs are very fascinating to me because it allows me to understand who they really are as a person.
                   Lo Bosworth's blogs are ones I especially love. Lo's way of writing and expressing herself is so admirable and fun to read. Her blogs are so girly and they let us know more about the once Laguna beach teenager. I love how she blogs about shopping, working out secrets, and disaster dates. Her blogs are so funny and everything a girl could ever love and relate too.
                  The other person who I admire would be Sean Avery of the New York Rangers. He is my favorite player in the NHL and I love his blogs for many reasons. His blogs are very different from any other blogs I have looked at. Avery mostly posts pictures on his blog account and all of his pictures make me crack up! He writes as well, but most of his blogs are photos. I almost like that better because he is being different by expressing himself through pictures rather than words.  Although these two blogs are very different from one another, I admire both their sense of styles. They catch my attention and make me get a better understanding of who they are outside of their famous lives.

What Time Management Means Too Me.

                   What is time management? Time management to me means a variety of different things. It means that you understand the concept of juggling multiple tasks at one time. It also means that you are responsible enough to get things done instead of doing other things you'd much rather be doing. In high school I never fully understood the concept of what time management really was. However, coming to college was such a wake up call.
                   Time management is basically used every day in college. I have come to realize this and surprisingly, I caught onto it fast. However, I do run into some problems in which I have to organize my time wisely. Such problems would have to be balancing my time with friends and doing my school work. Of course I want to hangout with my friends and try and make new ones, what freshman doesnt? But when it comes down to it, I have to be responsible and get my work done first. I go by the motto "Work now play later."
                Another problem I tend to face would be managing my time to talk to my family. Often there are times when they call me and I am doing my homework or hanging out with friends. I feel terrible because its not that I don't want to talk to them, I am just busy. However, I have to find time for them too. They are my family and I miss them just as much as they miss me. Time management is a very big part of my life and I am actually happy I am faced with these difficulties because it helps me grow as a person.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Outcasts United

                         To be honest, when we got assigned the book Outcasts United, I was not thrilled at all. It was summer, what student would be? However, as I started to read the book I came to realize how interesting it was. The author Warren St. John did such a wondering job in explaining every characters backgrounds and cultures. Although at times it could of been a bit much with remembering everyone, I tried my best and still kept on reading.
                       Outcasts United takes place in Clarkston, Georgia. Clarkston is a southern town in which many refugees settle. The main character in the book would be Luma Mufleh. Luma created many soccer teams to help refugee kids stay out of trouble and make them feel more at home. All of the kids were from all over the world. This book is so diverse and it helps us understand what these refugee families are going through. Warren St. John lets us into the lives and cultures of every kid and I think that was very important. Although Luma did create many soccer teams she did come across many difficulties. Such difficulties include not being able to get a field for the kids, making sure the kids get to practice on time, or providing food for some of the families. Luma reminds me of my high school field hockey coach. She is very tough and wants the kids to come to practice on time everyday and if not there will be consequences. By Luma being tough it made the kids want to win the game and play hard. They did not want Luma to be disappointed and tried their best every game. Although they didnt win all the games they did learn one time. The kids learned that even though they are from different countries they were family and Luma united them together.

Keep Old Friends & Create New Ones

                   Coming into college, I knew it would be very different. I have the best friends back at home and I knew it would be very hard to compare anyone else too them. However, to my surprise I met some of the greatest friends already. It is very weird because we all click so well! I definitely did not expect this to happen and I am so happy and fortunate it did. I know a lot of people who have traumatic college experiences and coming to Southern definitely sparked up some concerns of my own. Luckily, I met very nice people who I feel comfortable around. Feeling comfortable around people is very important to me. If I do not feel comfortable around people I can not be myself. The friends I made here remind me of my friends back home and that to me is just awesome. Coming to college I knew I would be making a lot of friends but I didn't expect to be so close with them already. It has only been 3 weeks and we are already talking about Christmas break and how much we are going to miss one another.
                   However, I miss my friends from home so much. Whenever I speak to my friends I share with them the memories I am creating with my new friends and they are all so happy for me. Some people would get jealous of their friends making new friends but not my friends. My friends from home are so understanding and they are just happy I am having a blast here. Me and my friends from home share some great memories and no one can ever replace them. I am so excited to start more memories with my new friends and I look forward to the future.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1st Week at SCSU

            The first time I had to walk to my college classes was very scary to say the least. I am so used to walking down the halls in high school with all familiar faces and knowing basically everyone. College was very different. When I was walking to class for the first time it was a whole new experience. I knew no one and there was no familiar faces passing me in the halls. So, did I face any challenges? Of course I did. I am in a new environment with a whole new chapter being in my life.
            During my first week at SCSU I faced many challenges. One challenge would be getting used to the homework load. In high school I rarely had homework and when I did it took on average about 15 minutes to complete. In college you have homework almost every night. Another challenge would be my sleep schedule. In high school I was in bed by 10 o'clock. However, being here my sleep schedule is way off. I can not seem to get enough sleep whether it be from going out, work loads or just not tired. It is very strange but I know I will get the swing of thing soon enough.
            These challenges seem to be an inconvenience right now, but I know I will learn from them. As with all obstacles you learn from them and become a more developed person. Although it may take some time I believe I will be a better student by facing these challenges. Week 1 of college was not easy to say the least but I am enjoying it so much and look forward to more obstacles to better myself as a student.

The Way You Decide To Learn Is Up To You.

          To be honest,when we were assigned these reading I truly had no idea what to expect at all. I thought that they were going to be the worst things ever to read and I wasn't going to fully understand them. However, while reading these passages I realized I was wrong. My accusations had been false and I found them to be quite interesting. All of the passages had some kind of meaningful background to it and they were all very fun to read.
          The passage "How to Become a Deep Thinker at College" was the one that I enjoyed reading the most. In the passage it gives a lot of useful information that many college and high school students should know about. It tells us to learn about something that is interesting to you. Learning something that you find interesting changes things drastically. By being interested in what you are learning, you seem to engage in more class discussions and want to find out more about the topic. It also tells us to manage our time wisely. Make sure you are not over loading yourself with too much work or else you will feel like you are drowning. 
          However, there is a difference between being an educated person and a deep thinker. An educated person is someone who knows what they are talking about but doesn't necessarily think outside the box. On the other hand, a deep thinker is someone who actually takes their time in the readings that they are assigned and often thinks outside the box. Although these two types of people are very different in many ways, they are also similar. The relationship between an educated person and a deep thinker is that they both know information on the topic they are learning about. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Southern Connecticut State University Freshmen

           Southern Connecticut State University. WOW! I still can remember my first day of high school and how scary it was. Now I am in college. It is very hard to believe but I've made it. I have worked so hard to be here and can truly say I am proud of myself. What is college? Some people believe that college is just a place where you go to to earn a degree and leave. However, it means much more to me. I believe college means making new friends, new experiences, and most of all growing up.
            College accomplishes many of things for me. I believe going to college will help me deal with certain things in life and make me realize how important an education is. Academically, college means getting a great degree and leaving with your desired job. I believe getting good grades is also one of the most important aspect of school. Without good grades it is very hard to succeed in college.
                      Socially, I plan on making friends with as many people as possible. I plan on meeting diverse people so that way I can learn about everyones backgrounds. Personally I plan on pushing myself to the limits and exceeding my expectations. My expectations would be to make my parents proud. That is very important to me and I plan on making that happen. I do not have that many concerns but I do have one. My one and only concern would be that I begin to get disorganized and loose track of everything. However, I will be very careful so that doesnt happen. My number one goal is to get great grades throughout my 4 years at SCSU

5 words that describe me.

There are many words that may describe who I am as a person. However, there are 5 essential ones that come to mind. The five words that describe me would be optimistic, easy going, a sister, an aspiring teacher, and a lover. All of those things define who I am as a person and who I love to be. Optimism is one of the best qualities I have as a person. I always seem to look on the bright side of things. Most people in certain situations consider the glass to be half empty. However I always seem to think of it as half full. I believe that quality in a person is great.
       All my life I have been a very easy going person. Whether it be at school, home work, or even in places I was not familiar with. For example whenever my friends wanted to go somewhere I would simply go with the flow of things. It did not matter to me and I tend to like it like that.
       Growing up I was always the youngest in the family. I have two older sisters who I love very much and a mom and a dad. My sisters have always been there for me in my time of need and I would do the same for them.  We are a very close family and I adore that aspect. My sisters and I are so close and I am truly blessed to have them in my life.
        All my life I thought about what I wanted to do with my life. However, one day it finally hit me. I love little children and I love to help people. That being said I decided aspire to be a early childhood education teacher. I feel like I will be truly happy with that profession and won't be miserable the rest of my life like many other people.
           Lastly, I am a lover. I am a lover for many reasons. I love to help and love everyone that treats me right. I have a boyfriend of almost 4 years now and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love him unconditionally. Also, my family and friends make me a lover as well. Without all of those factors I believe I wouldn't love as much. I would like to thank them for that.
            All of those words relate to me for many different reasons. I love who I have become as a person and  believe I will succeed in life with those qualities.