Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1st Week at SCSU

            The first time I had to walk to my college classes was very scary to say the least. I am so used to walking down the halls in high school with all familiar faces and knowing basically everyone. College was very different. When I was walking to class for the first time it was a whole new experience. I knew no one and there was no familiar faces passing me in the halls. So, did I face any challenges? Of course I did. I am in a new environment with a whole new chapter being in my life.
            During my first week at SCSU I faced many challenges. One challenge would be getting used to the homework load. In high school I rarely had homework and when I did it took on average about 15 minutes to complete. In college you have homework almost every night. Another challenge would be my sleep schedule. In high school I was in bed by 10 o'clock. However, being here my sleep schedule is way off. I can not seem to get enough sleep whether it be from going out, work loads or just not tired. It is very strange but I know I will get the swing of thing soon enough.
            These challenges seem to be an inconvenience right now, but I know I will learn from them. As with all obstacles you learn from them and become a more developed person. Although it may take some time I believe I will be a better student by facing these challenges. Week 1 of college was not easy to say the least but I am enjoying it so much and look forward to more obstacles to better myself as a student.

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